This is a library of Java algorithms by indy256. There are 192 files with algorithms!All algorithms are divided into groups. Each algorithm has description.You can choose one of 73 syntax highlighting styles and one of 9 fonts. Also you can choose ont of 3 application themes for comfortable work.The following topics are covered:Trees: segment tree, Fenwick tree, k-d tree, R-tree, metric tree, quadtree, persistent tree, link/cut tree, binary heap, disjoint-sets, treap.Graph algorithms: shortest paths, maximum flow, maximum matching, spanning tree, connectivity, biconnectivity, LCA.String algorithms: suffix tree, suffix automata, suffix array, trie, Aho-Corasick algorithm, Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm, Z-function, hashing, parsing.Sorting algorithms: quick-, merge-, heap-, bubble-, selection-, insertion-, counting-, radix-sorting; Kth order statistic.Geometry algorithms: segments/lines/circles intersection, point in polygon query, convex hull, closest/furthest pair of points.Combinatorics: permutations, combinations, arrangements, partitions.Other: big numbers multiplication via fast Fourier transform, simplex algorithm.
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